Punctuation: Fill-in-the-Blanks

Guide to Grammar and Writing

  My father used to quote his favorite line from Shakespeare "This above all to thine own self be true."
  It's hard to keep up with the new technologies in sound recording it makes you wonder where it will all end.
  Charlie Pete and Tony moved to Boston and bought a condo near the art museum for $125000.
  In July 1997 Braxton moved to Dallas Texas.
  So many institutions of small-town America -- the local drugstore the corner theater the locally owned bookstore -- have gone the way of the cowboy and vaudeville theatre.
  I tell you Dr. Turveydrop these symptoms are quite alarming.
  Philip Roth's novel American Pastoral won the Pulitzer Prize in 1997.
  Tashonda gave two reasons for moving to Arizona the high cost of rental property in the east and favorable weather conditions out west.
  The distinguished panel consisted of Ronald Pepin Professor of English from Hartford Connecticut Peter Wursthorn Professor of Mathematics from Warwick Rhode Island and Kurt Simonds Director of the Learning Center at Yale University.
  The bumpy sinuous road and the incredibly loud obnoxious music on the radio soon combined to give Marsupial a bad migraine headache and a violently upset stomach.
  Students have adopted the Learning Center as a computer lab they just love those new machines.
  There's nothing like a violent shocking detective story to put me into a deep dreamless sleep.
  Hawthorne's most famous novel The Scarlet Letter has been read by countless schoolchildren.
  Mrs. Bidwell told her students not to read the answers in the back of the book.